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We are scrupulous about following the laws of Jordan to ensure the highest food safety and Halal standards. Food safety regulations differ from country to country and range from standards set by local government authorities to international regulatory bodies such as the World Health Organization. Generally, McDonald's sets its own company standards at or above the very highest of international standards.


McDonald's meat patties are produced from 100% pure halal beef with no additives, preservatives or flavor enhancers. The beef patties are prepared and packaged at McDonald's approved meat plants. In addition to inspections carried out before the beef arrives at the plants, our suppliers undertake several separate quality checks on every batch. All our beef is grilled to perfection, without the addition of fats or oils, on a double sided hotplate and we make sure that the specified temperature is maintained during the whole beef-grilling process to ensure safety while guaranteeing juicy tasty patties.


Only farm-fresh, premium quality eggs go into our delicious egg products. McDonald’s eggs are washed and cleaned with a special detergent to remove bacteria. The shells are coated with a thin layer of food grade oil so the eggs stay fresh and safe. We keep our eggs chilled and only crack them open just before cooking to make sure they are fresh and hygienically prepared.


McDonald's cheese, McFlurry, Sundae and ice cream are made from high quality fresh milk coming from approved regional and local suppliers; whereby quality control procedures are in place throughout the supply chain – from the freshness of the milk, all the way through handling, processing, and transportation to ensure the quality of the end product.


McDonald's world famous French Fries are produced from only the best quality potatoes specially grown for McDonald’s at selected farms around the world. All frying procedures are done using vegetable oil, no fats or flavors; and only some salt is added after cooking for taste.


All food consumed at McDonald’s comply with Halal requirements. Raw ingredients, cooking utensils and meals conform strictly with the Islamic Halal requirements of Saudi Arabia.
McDonald’s applies the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) program to ensure food safety throughout the food supply chain. HACCP is used to identify the potential points of hazard on the production lines at our suppliers’ factories and all the way through the supply process as well as to put in place systems to prevent and eliminate such hazards.


Our suppliers are dedicated to providing us with top quality produce that is continually monitored for freshness and safety. As such, we only pick fresh vegetables from trusted suppliers and we make sure they are cleaned in pure water and purged soap, resulting in the best standard of cleanliness. This results in only the very best add-ons for our burgers: succulent slices of a tomato that taste as good as they look, fresh crispy lettuce, zesty dill pickles from the best cucumbers and savory onions. Produce at McDonald's is farm-fresh and we use regional suppliers to ensure that freshness is delivered to you in all our salads.


We source our fresh buns from regional suppliers who use only high quality wheat.


All our chicken sandwiches and McNuggets are made from manually de-boned chicken breast meat. No additives or preservatives are added during any stage of preparation.